On this page, I'll list some recent (2022+) and upcoming talks with relevant materials (slides or video).


📅 APS March Meeting 2025: Pending...

🎤 Cohere AI Invited Talk: YouTube Link


🎤 Invited Talk at CSU Physics Colloquium: slides

📅 IAIFI + UMB Kickoff Event: (see RLC talk below)

📄 RLC 2024 "Boosting Soft Q-Learning by Bounding": slides

💻 IAIFI Summer School (hackathon presentation): slides

🎓 UMB Physics Department Retreat: slides pdf, slides pptx

🎓 My course (Deep Learning: Theory and Applications) has a GitHub repo

📅 APS March Meeting 2024: slides


📄 UAI-2023: The first author on our paper, Argenis Arriojas, gave a spotlight talk at UAI 23.

📄 AAAI-2023: YouTube Link

📅 APS March Meeting 2023.

🎓 Physics Graduate Club: After the March meeting, I gave a mini-series on machine learning (specifically RL) in physics. Sources: Kyle Mills and Gispen and Lamacraft.


📅 APS March Meeting 2022: YouTube Link

🎓 Applied Physics PhD Oral Qualifying Exam: slides

🎓 Physics Graduate Club: Ideas based on The Mathematical Mechanic by Mark Levi.